paul franklin
Artist Statement
Paul Franklin's photographic work captures the subtle combinations of light and colour within a landscape; and wildlife surrounded by it's natural habitat. Paul doesn't specialise in one subject or go out looking for specific subjects, the unpredictability of light and animal behaviour always leads to interesting compositions.
A little more in-depth
His interest in photography started way back in secondary school, where a tiny darkroom kindled his passion for the art of photography.
This was later to be further enhanced by attending the local art college. By this time he was hooked, and spent many an extra hour in the studio's/darkrooms.
He also gained invaluable experience and contacts, working with several media production companies recording their work.
College was followed by working for a local photographer, running the black and white processing and printing side of the business.
A few years later, the opportunity to work at the local college in the media production department arose - a position which he revelled in (and in some ways sadly misses)
Six years on from that he ventured into the moving image side of the market (Giant stadium video screens) and three years later strolled into the world of IT for a further four years.
This too was valid experience , but confirmed where his heart really laid.
So in 2005 Vive ! Photography / Paul Franklin Photography was created to share his love and passion for photography and the beauty of nature (and even manmade objects sometimes.)
A note on Infrared Imagery
Infrared photography is the technique of using specialist film that is sensitive to infrared radiation. (I am planning to return to this medium in 2021 but in a digital format, due to the Kodak film I used no longer being available (And the fridge stock depleted. ))
Using Infrared film with filters that are usually deep red or even totally black! Reflected and transmitted infrared radiation can be recorded. (Infrared wavelengths are longer than visible light wavelengths, and are therefore not visible to the human eye.)
Outdoor scenes such as the "Harrogate Valley Gardens" photographs, take on a snowy appearance due to the chlorophyll in healthy plants, which reflect the infrared radiation, whilst absorbing most of the visible light radiation.
Buildings can also reflect some infrared, which in turn gives them a nice glowing appearance. Water and sky can however vary, between being totally black or almost white. This depends upon the amount of sunlight / cloud coverage / temperature / time of day and even which season it is.
At the time this was a tricky film to process, due to it's very thin film base. So I am looking forward to avoiding this part of the process, when going digital.
Making the results always exciting and unpredictable!